Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics of Bandung Regency 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandung Regency

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Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics of Bandung Regency 2023

Catalog Number : 1399013.3204
Publication Number : 32040.2339
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 11, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.43 MB


The Central Statistics Agency (BPS), as one of the public service providers that provides statistical data and information, always strives to provide excellent service to consumers. BPS has conducted regular Community Satisfaction Surveys (SKM) every year which are integrated into the Data Needs Survey (SKD). This survey not only aims to obtain the level of consumer satisfaction with BPS data services, but also aims to identify data needs and the level of consumer satisfaction with the quality of data produced by BPS. The report on the results of the 2023 SKD implementation is presented in the form of a publication entitled "Analysis of the Results of the 2023 BPS Data Requirements Survey". This publication contains an overview of consumer data needs and consumer perceptions of the performance of BPS PST services as well as consumer perceptions of the quality of BPS data. The main indicators presented in this publication include the Consumer Satisfaction Index (IKK) and the Anti-Corruption Perception Index (IPAK).​
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten BandungJl. Raya Soreang KM 17 (Komplek Pemkab Bandung) Bandung

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