BMN Mandatory Non-Execution Auction Announcement - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandung Regency

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BMN Mandatory Non-Execution Auction Announcement

BMN Mandatory Non-Execution Auction Announcement

January 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Based on KPKNL Letter S-8185/KNL.0801/2023 dated 22 December 2023 regarding Determination of Auction Schedule at the Bandung Regency Central Statistics Agency and Letter from the Head of the Central Statistics Agency Number B-1462/02500/PL.810/10/2023 dated 23 October 2023 Concerning the Approval of the Sale of State Property Other than Land and/or Bandunan at the Central Agency for Regency/City Satker Statistics in the West Java Province Region, the Central Agency for Statistics of Bandung Regency through the Bandung State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) will carry out a Non-Compulsory Execution Auction of Goods State Owned (BMN).

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten BandungJl. Raya Soreang KM 17 (Komplek Pemkab Bandung) Bandung

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