Sekretaris Daerah Kab. Bandung membuka Acara RAKORDA Pendataan Awal REGSOSEK Tahun 2022 Kab. Bandung - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandung Regency

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Sekretaris Daerah Kab. Bandung membuka Acara RAKORDA Pendataan Awal REGSOSEK Tahun 2022 Kab. Bandung

Sekretaris Daerah Kab. Bandung membuka Acara RAKORDA Pendataan Awal REGSOSEK Tahun 2022 Kab. Bandung

September 28, 2022 | Other Activities

The Coordination Meeting for the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) for Bandung Regency was held at the Grand Sunshine Hotel, Wednesday (28/09/2022). The coordinator meeting is the initial series of socio-economic registration for 2022.

The coordination meeting with the theme “Recording to Build the Country” was also attended by the District Secretary. Bandung, Head of BPS West Java Province, Several representatives of Forkopimda, Heads of OPD Bandung Regency, Heads of Sub-districts in Bandung Regency, and invited guests.

Head of the Bandung Regency BPS Social Team, Dedi Sugandi, reported that the coordination meeting was held in connection with the initial data collection of the socio-economic registration in 2022.
"This activity is held in connection with the initial data collection on the socio-economic registration which field activities will be carried out on October 15-14 November 2022.

Furthermore, the Head of the Provincial BPS explained that the purpose of the coordination meeting was as a step of coordination, consolidation and asking for support from all parties in the implementation of socio-economic registration,

The Regional Secretary of Bandung Regency said that there were still many problems with data on the poor. This is motivated by the need for improvements in the implementation of social protection programs. I instruct all OPD, Camat and others to support the smooth operation of REGSOSEK 202
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