SKD 2021: Service Quality BPS Bandung Regency is categorized as Good - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandung Regency

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SKD 2021: Service Quality BPS Bandung Regency is categorized as Good

SKD 2021: Service Quality BPS Bandung Regency is categorized as Good

January 14, 2022 | BPS Activities

Monitoring and evaluation of the performance of public services is needed so that the services obtained by the community are in accordance with the standards that have been set. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) provides public services through the provision of Integrated Statistical Services (PST) units at the central, provincial, and district/city levels throughout Indonesia. Evaluation of the services provided by BPS is realized through the implementation of the Data Needs Survey (SKD). During the period from June to September 2021, the Bandung Regency BPS has held an SKD with respondents in the form of data consumers who have received services from the PST unit from January 1 to the end of the enumeration period.

The results of the SKD regarding services that have been carried out by BPS can be seen through the Consumer Satisfaction Index (IKK) for both PST and data quality. IKK for PST BPS Bandung Regency in 2021 experienced a significant increase, namely 9.48 compared to IKK in 2020. As shown in the figure, IKK for PST BPS Bandung Regency in 2021 reached 87.54 and is included in the good service category. Similarly, the IKK for the quality of data provided by BPS Kabupaten Bandung is also included in the category of good service. This increase in the IKK value indicates that efforts to improve PST services at BPS Regency Bandung have been carried out very well. But of course PST BPS Bandung Regency still needs to improve its service performance again.

In addition to the IKK, other indicators generated from the SKD are Important Performance Analysis (IPA). This indicator analyzes the results of customer satisfaction with BPS services in order to determine priorities for future performance improvements. More precisely, IPA analyzes the results of the comparison between the level of satisfaction with the level of importance. From these results, it is shown that several things that must be maintained in service performance are the ease of procedures, the suitability of the completion period, the suitability of the service product, the response of the service officer, and the clarity of information for the online service officer. Then there are some recommendations for improving PST BPS Bandung Regency services, such as the ease of access to data through the main facility, the convenience of the complaint facility, the ease of service requirements, the suitability of service costs, and infrastructure.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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